087-2579158 Margaret:  
Disciplinary and grievance procedures provide clear structures for dealing with difficulties which may arise as part of the working relationship, from either the employer’s or employee’s perspective. 
These procedures are needed to make sure every individual is treated equally in similar circumstances and to deal with issues fairly and reasonably. They also ensure that employers comply with current law and follow the Acas Code of Practice: Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures. Most employers will have their own procedures which comply with the Acas Code. 
Disciplinary procedures are needed to: 
make employees aware of what's expected of them in terms of standards of performance or conduct (and the likely consequences of continued failure to meet these standards) 
identify obstacles to individuals achieving the standards required of them (for example training needs, or lack of clarity about job requirements, or additional support needed) and to enable employers to take appropriate remedial action 
enable employers and employees to agree suitable goals and timescales for improvement in an individual's performance or conduct 
try to resolve matters without recourse to external dispute resolution processes or an employment tribunal 
demonstrate to an employment tribunal that an appropriate process has been followed if employees complain about the way they've been dismissed. 
Grievance procedures are needed to: 
provide individuals with a course of action if they have a complaint which they’re unable to resolve through discussion with their line manager and/or another colleague if a difference has arisen 
provide points of contact and timescales to resolve issues of concern 
try to resolve matters without recourse to external dispute resolution processes or an employment tribunal. 
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